> News > The Corrs > German Appearences
German Appearences

( – Don't forget that on Wednesday (2nd
June) the band will be on German TV's VIVA's 'Interaktiv' at 4.00 pm
CET and later on Pro7's 'TV Total' at 10.15 pm CET.

German fans may also want to keep their eyes open for an
interview on RTL 2's News. As well as that the band will be doing radio
interviews for WDR 2, NRW, FFN, WAZ, SWR 3, HR 3, Antenne Bayern and
Bayern 3.

Best of all they will be doing an unplugged set of 7 or 8
songs for Radio NRW with the fully recorded show being broadcast in the
near future. Also, a few of the songs from the set are being filmed for
ZDF's "Leute Heute" to be aired with an interview with the band.

Kommentar schreiben:

Aktuell gibt es keine Planung für Fantreffen, aber vermutlich wird es im Dezember wieder ein Weihnachtstreffen in Köln geben. Weitere Informationen zu geplanten und vergangenen Fantreffen stehen im Corrs-Wiki.
Aktuelles Album
Dream of you
Sharon Corr - Dream of you
VÖ: 2010-09-24
Ten Feet High bei Amazon bestellen
Aktuelle DVD
All the way home / The Story of The Corrs
All The Way Home /
The Story Of The Corrs
VÖ: 2005-11-11
All the way home / The Story of The Corrs bei Amazon bestellen