> News > The Corrs > A message from Jim
A message from Jim

( – Hi Guys,

Sorry I haven't been in touch in a while. Things have been extremely
busy as you can imagine. We're here in Cologne in Germany doing
promotion and are due to head back 2 Ireland tomorrow to continue
rehearsals 4 the forthcoming tour.

We are off to a GREAT start with this new album as you know
from our post earlier and we're VERY happy and excited. No.1 in the UK
and Ireland and No.3 in Germany in the midweek charts, this should rise
in Germany due to all the promo we've done. The actual chart will be
available this weekend. We can only hope that the positions will hold.
You have all contributed to making this success possible and we thank
you again!

We are so looking forward to the live show and I can't tell
you how great everything is sounding especially with the 2 new guys
Jason Duffy (drums/percussion) and Kieran Kiely (keyboards/guitar and
accordian). We are trying out lots of ideas to make it a special show.
It's great to have so many songs to choose from at this stage, you can
only imagine how difficult it was touring on the back of one album
after "FNF" was released. We're looking forward 2 the 1st show on the
19th in Bonn. Caroline is getting bigger everyday and will continue
with us 4 as long as she can and then will take a break so she can give
birth to her new baby. We are going to continue touring and are
currently putting together a more comprehensive tour so we can
hopefully get 2 all 4 corners of the world.

We shoot the video 4 the next single "Angel" on the 12th in
Ireland, it will be in a beautiful setting and will be based around a
performance video. I thank you for your input in terms of the pole of
the best songs on the album and am glad to see that "Angel" is right up
there as one of the most popular songs. "Long Night" which was right up
there as well will be single No.3!

We've recorded a few acoustic performances of the latest songs
etc at various showcases and I hope we can post these on the website 4
u all to upload soon!

Talk to you all soon,

Take care,


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Aktuell gibt es keine Planung für Fantreffen, aber vermutlich wird es im Dezember wieder ein Weihnachtstreffen in Köln geben. Weitere Informationen zu geplanten und vergangenen Fantreffen stehen im Corrs-Wiki.
Aktuelles Album
Dream of you
Sharon Corr - Dream of you
VÖ: 2010-09-24
Ten Feet High bei Amazon bestellen
Aktuelle DVD
All the way home / The Story of The Corrs
All The Way Home /
The Story Of The Corrs
VÖ: 2005-11-11
All the way home / The Story of The Corrs bei Amazon bestellen